Some Things That Irritated Me Today

* Mill Mountain Coffee – When I order a coffee, I expect the coffee to be a plain, black coffee, not a HAZLENUT coffee.
* People who bring dogs to kids’ games. The dogs really distract the kids. Leave the dog home next time.
* Parents who bring potato chips when it’s their time to bring snack for their kid’s game. I don’t want my child to have potato chips at 10 o’clock in the morning!
* Home Depot – Normally the sales people come up to you every couple of minutes, but today I couldn’t find one to help me. If you’re cutting back on employees and/or service, at least put the lawn mower boxes in a location where I can grab one and put it on my buggy myself.
* The Gold Chevy Trailblazer who sped up and tried to cut me off while I was merging today. How are you able to drive, blow the horn, flash your lights, yell at me, and flip me off with both hands all at the same time? As you saw, I merged, and you proved that you’re a huge jerk. Let’s hope you calm down before you get behind the wheel again.

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