The mailbox contained:
* June 2, 2008 issue of [Business Week]( “Business Week”) ([Beyond Blogs: What Business Needs to Know]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* June 2008 issue of [Southern Living]( “Southern Living”) (Easy Living Outside)
* Summer 2008 issue of [Lowe’s Creative Ideas for Outdoor Living]( “Lowe’s Creative Ideas for Outdoor Living”) (Summer Color: Bring your garden back to life with vibrant plants.)
* May 22, 2008 issue of [The Christian Science Monitor]( “The Christian Science Monitor”) ([Lebanon defuses crisis]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* Spring/Summer 2008 [ARRL Publications & Products]( “ARRL Shop”) Catalog
* A plea from the [America’s Second Harvest]( “America’s Second Harvest”)
* Coupons from [Valpak]( “Valpak”)