The mailbox contained:
* June 2, 2008 issue of [The New Yorker]( “The New Yorker”) ([The Rebellion Within – An Al Qaeda mentor rethinks terrorism.]( “Read the Article”))
* July 2008 issue of [Electronic Gaming Monthly]( “Electronic Gaming Monthly”) (Gears of War 2 – It’s man versus bug in our 13-page multiplayer blowout!)
* Best of Season Issue! of [Better Homes and Gardens]( “Better Homes and Gardens”) (Summertime)
* May 27, 2008 issue of [The Christian Science Monitor]( “The Christian Science Monitor”) ([Fuel prices’ toll on US economy – A $10 increase in the price of a barrel of oil can lower GDP by about 0.2 percent.]( “Read the Article”))
* May 28, 2008 issue of [The Christian Science Monitor]( “The Christian Science Monitor”) ([Russia faces ‘peak oil’ – On Monday, Putin’s new cabinet proposed relief measures.]( “Read the Article”))
* A DVD from [Netflix]( “Netflix”) – Z (The previous DVD was returned Tuesday, 05/27.)
* Coupons from [Kroger]( “Kroger”)
* An offer from [Breck’s]( “Breck’s”)
* An advertisement from [Duncan Ford Chrysler Dodge]( “Duncan Ford Chrysler Dodge”)