The mailbox contained:
* July & August 2008 issue of [Cook’s Illustrated]( “Cook’s Illustrated”) (Grilled Chicken Secrets – No More Flabby, Charred Skin)
* June 1, 2008 issue of [St. John’s]( “St. John’s Roanoke”) “The Record” ([A Lamp to My Feet and a Light to My Path (Psalm 119:105)]( “Read the newsletter (pdf)”))
* June 2007-2008 [Andrew Lewis Middle School]( “Andrew Lewis Middle School”) Newsletter (****Look for the Newsletter online Fall 2008****)
* An offer from [Cook’s Country]( “Cook’s Country”)
* An offer from the [Salem Avalanche]( “Salem Avalanche”)
* A plea from the [World Wildlife Fund]( “World Wildlife Fund”)
* A DVD from [Netflix]( “Netflix”) – Donnie Darko: The Director’s Cut (The previous DVD was returned Wednesday, 05/28.)