The mailbox contained:
* Spring 2008 issue of [The Virginia Quarterly Review]( “Virginia Quarterly Review”) ([Spring Fiction Issue – Superhero Stories]( “View the Table of Contents”))
* June 16, 2008 issue of [Business Week]( “Outside”) ([Banks vs. Consumers [Guess Who Wins]]( “Read the Cover Story”))
* June 2008 issue of [msdn magazine]( “msdn magazine”) ([SAAS – Connect Enterprise Apps With Hosted BizTalk Services]( “View the Table of Contents”))
* June 2008 issue of [Circuit Cellar]( “Circuit Cellar”) ([Communications]( “View the Table of Contents”))
* An advertisement from [Group Mobile]( “Group Mobile”) for Panasonic’s Toughbook
* An offer from [AAA]( “AAA”)
* An offer from [Verizon Wireless]( “Verizon Wireless”)
* An offer from [Geico]( “GEICO”)
* A t-shirt from [The Pedigree Adoption Drive]( “The Pedigree Adoption Drive”)