The mailbox contained:
* July 2008 issue of [Money]( “Money”) (Make Money in Tough Times) [T.O.C.]( “View the Table of Contents”)
* June 2008 issue of [SERVO]( “SERVO”) (Loki Crosses The Pond, Part 1 – A Low-Cost Walking Robot That You Can Build From Scratch) [T.O.C.]( “View the Table of Contents”)
* July-August 2008 issue of [Utne Reader]( “Utne Reader”) (The Future of Creativity In Our Schools, Our Businesses, and Our Lives) [T.O.C.]( “View the Table of Contents”)
* An advertisement for [1,001 Gardening Secrets the Experts Never Tell You!]( “LibraryThing”)
* A plea from the [ACLU]( “ACLU”)
* [Yahoo! 2007 Annual Report]( “List of Yahoo! Annual Reports”) and ballot
(The mail wasn’t delivered until 16:40.)