The mailbox contained:
* September/October 2008 issue of [Robot]( “Robot”) (U.S. Army Mule Combat Robot – The Future Is Now!) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* July 7, 2008 issue of [eWeek]( “eWeek”) (Green IT Growth – Guidelines for power-efficiency progress show that going green doesn’t have to mean going in the red.)
* August/September 2008 issue of [Birds & Blooms]( “Birds & Blooms”) (Wild About Birds – Feel the weight of a hummingbird in your hand. This reader did!) [Read]( “Read the Article”)
* A subscription offer from [Ode]( “Ode”)
* A subscription offer from [Scientific American]( “Scientific American”)
* An advertisement from [Office Live Small Business]( “Office Live Small Business”)
* An advertisement from [St. John’s Episcopal Church]( “St. John’s Roanoke”) about their “Gathering in the Garden” program
* UPS delivered a [Parallax What’s a Microcontroller? Parts Kit and Text]( “Parallax Product Page”)