The mailbox contained:
* July 21, 2008 issue of [Newsweek]( “Newsweek”) (Faith & Politics – What Obama Believes) [Read]( “Read the Article”)
* July/August 2008 issue of [Columbia Journalism Review]( “Columbia Journalism Review”) (Sulzberger at the Barricades – Can he transform the Times?) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* A coupon from [JCPenney]( “JCPenney”)
* A sale flyer and coupon from [Bed Bath & Beyond]( “Bed Bath & Beyond”)
* An advertisement from Access National Mortgage
* A tuition bill
* 2 pay stubs
* An advertisement from the Institute for Natural Resources
* A plea from the [Smile Train]( “Smile Train”)