The mailbox contained:
* July 14, 2008 issue of [Information Week]( “Information Week”) (6 Technologies that can cure remote office headaches…and 2 to avoid)
* August 2008 issue of [Better Homes and Gardens]( “Better Homes and Gardens”) (Summer Simple – 52 Easy Ways to Perk Up Your Rooms, Patio, & Porch)
* August 2008 issue of [SPIN]( “SPIN”) (Duffy – Behind the Making of a Pop-Soul Sensation)
* July 2008 issue of [Carilion Clinic Report]( “Carilion Clinic”) (The Birth of a Medical School)
* Buttons from [NBC]( “NBC”)
* Another [Yahoo!]( “Yahoo!”) voting form – this one was solicited on behalf of Icahn Partners
* UPS delivered a notebook from [Staples]( “Staples”)