The mailbox contained:
* July 21, 2008 issue of [The New Yorker]( “The New Yorker”) (Making It – Where Barack Obama learned to be a pol.) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* August 1, 2008 issue of [The Progressive Populist]( “The Progressive Populist”) (A Deluge Waiting to Happen – Nature will do as nature does, but humans are to blame for deadly Midwestern floods.) [Read]( “Read the Cover Story”)
* An advertisement from [New York University School of Professional Studies]( “New York University School of Professional Studies”)
* A sale flyer and coupons from [Limited Too]( “Limited Too”)
* Another [Yahoo!]( “Yahoo!”) voting form
* An advertisement from [ING DIRECT]( “ING DIRECT”)
* A notice from [No Depression]( “No Depression”) that I’ll be receiving [American Songwriter]( “American Songwriter”)
* An advertisement from [Asbury College]( “Asbury College”) about their Masters of Social Work Program
* A plea from [Friends For Harry Reid]( “Friends For Harry Reid”)