The mailbox contained:
* August 15, 2008 issue of [The Progressive Populist]( “The Progressive Populist”) (The Rise and Fall of an American Beer) [Read]( “Read the Cover Story”)
* September 2008 issue of [Backpacker]( “Backpacker”) (Sweet Solitude! The wildest, quietest, darkest, and least-visited places in the Lower 48.)
* An advertisement from [Sprint]( “Sprint”)
* An advertisement from [Verizon]( “Verizon”)
* An offer from the [Cooking Club of America]( “Cooking Club of America”)
* A notice from the [Roanoke Valley YMCA]( “Roanoke Valley YMCA”) stating that our monthly rate is increasing $2 per month, from $71 to $73
* A plea from [Planned Parenthood]( “Planned Parenthood”)
* A plea from [Doctors Without Borders]( “Doctors Without Borders”)