The mailbox contained:
* August 4, 2008 issue of [The New Yorker]( “The New Yorker”) (A Soldier’s Legacy – What a Major killed in Iraq couldn’t tell.) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* August 4, 2008 issue of [Newsweek]( “Newsweek”) (What Drives China – The Roots of a National Inferiority Complex) [Read]( “Read the Cover Story”)
* August 4-11, 2008 issue of [U.S. News & World Report]( “U.S. News & World Report”) (Frontiers of Science) [Read]( “Read the Cover Story”)
* July 28, 2008 issue of [Information Week]( “Information Week”) (Stare Down the Bear – Tough economy no doubt, but the toughest CIOs are taking matters into their own hands.)
* September 2008 issue of [Electronic Gaming Monthly]( “Electronic Gaming Monthly”) (Soul Calibur IV – Yoda! Vader! 32 characters! The best Souldalibur yet?)
* A tuition bill