The mailbox contained:
* September 2008 issue of [Outside]( “Outside”) (The Future is Now – 59 Tools & Ideas That Will Change Your Life)
* September 2008 issue of [National Geographic Traveler]( “National Geographic Traveler”) (Classic San Francisco – 46 Places the Locals Love)
* Summer 2008 issue of [American Farmland]( “American Farmland Trust”) (AFT’s 2008 Steward of the Land Nash Huber)
* Fall 2008 [Crutchfield]( “Crutchfield”) Catalog
* A plea from [care]( “care”)
* A plea from [America’s Second Harvest]( “America’s Second Harvest”)
* A plea from [The Trust for Public Land]( “Trust for Public Land”)
* An offer from the [Quality Paperback Book Club]( “Quality Paperback Book Club”)
* An offer from the [Mystery Guild]( “Mystery Guild”)
* An advertisement from the [Software Development Best Practices Conference]( “Software Development Best Practices Conference”)
* A Timex Women’s 1440 Sports Digital Midsize Watch #T5J151
* A Christmas present