The mailbox contained:
* September 2008 issue of [The Family Handyman]( “The Family Handyman”) (Great Garage in One Weekend!)
* September 2008 issue of [Linux Journal]( “Linux Journal”) (Underdogs Battling the Behemoths) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* August 18-25 2008 issue of [U.S. News & World Report]( “U.S. News & World Report”) (Who Will Pick The Next President? In a changing America, some voters matter more than others.) [Read]( “Read the Cover Story”)
* August 11, 2008 issue of [Information Week]( “Information Week”) (Trade In Your SOA? Web-oriented architectures are an efficient alternative to resource-guzzling, service-based development methods. But scale could be a problem.)
* September 2008 issue of [Sound & Vision]( “Sound & Vision”) (Home Theater Heroes – Masi Oka shows why NBC’s hit series rules on blu-ray.)
* Coupons from [Papa John’s]( “Papa John’s”)
* Pay stubs
* A plea from [Project Hope]( “Project Hope”)