The mailbox contained:
* September 2008 issue of [Nuts And Volts]( “Nuts And Volts”) (The Talking Skull Kit – Halloween is a time where folks who have a bit of tech-savvy can impress the heck out of their neighbors!) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* September 2008 issue of [SERVO]( “SERVO”) (Pico ITX Johnny 5 Project – Upgrading and expanding the original Johnny 5 kit to make it a more viable research platform, plus implementation of an onboard PC.) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* October 2008 issue of [Technology Review]( “Technology Review”) (How He *Really* Did It – The Web Strategy That Took An Obscure Senator To the Doors of the White House) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* September 1, 2008 issue of [Newsweek]( “Newsweek”) (Special Democratic Convention Issue) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* September 2008 issue of [Better Homes and Gardens]( “Better Homes and Gardens”) (Special reader Issue! Winning Ideas)
* September/October 2008 issue of [Liberty Journal]( “Liberty University”) (Unfinished Business – Coach Rocco Eyes Victory)
* September 2008 [Musician’s Friend]( “Musician’s Friend”) Catalog
* An advertisement from [Dr. Gregory T. Harvey, DMD]( “Dr. Gregory T. Harvey, DMD”)
* A plea from [No Depression]( “No Depression”)
* A plea from the [Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee]( “Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee”)