The mailbox contained:
* October 2008 issue of [The Hightower Lowdown]( “The Hightower Lowdown”) (Political outsiders are the only change we can count on) [Read]( “Read the Cover Story”)
* November 2008 issue of [Money]( “Money”) (What Do I Do Now?) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* October 2008 issue of [Circuit Cellar]( “Circuit Cellar”) (Signal Processing) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* Winter 2008 issue of [Herb Quarterly]( “Herb Quarterly”) (Gardening with Native Plants)
* A [green festival]( “green festival”) Brochure
* A plea from [Doctors Without Borders]( “Doctors Without Borders”)
* A plea from [Audubon]( “Audubon”)
* An advertisement from [Stellar One]( “Stellar One”)
* An offer from [Comcast]( “Comcast”)
* A bumper sticker from []( “”)
* 2 rebate checks from [Staples]( “Staples”)