The mailbox contained:
* October 27, 2008 issue of [U.S. News & World Report]( “U.S. News & World Report”) (The Ultimate Voter’s Guide) [Read]( “Read the Cover Story”)
* October 20, 2008 issue of [Information Week]( “Information Week”) (SaaS Under Stress – Integration’s the next big test for software as a service. Mistakes will increase costs, add complexity, and break business processes.)
* October 2008 issue of [Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Outreach]( “Pancreatic Cancer Action Network”) (Advance Research. Support Patients. Create Hope.) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* A plea from [Food & Water Watch]( “Food & Water Watch”)
* A plea from [American Farmland Trust]( “American Farmland Trust”)
* A plea from the [USO]( “USO”)