The mailbox contained:
* November 2008 issue of [domino]( “domino”) (the new luxury! (*it’s all about simple pleasures!*))
* November/December 2008 issue of [AAA World]( “AAA World”) ( { Oberammergau 2010: It’s All About the ‘Passion’ } )
* Issue 09 of [Craft:]( “Craft:”) (Craft: 09 – Crafting Green) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* A [Lands’ End]( “Lands’ End”) Catalog
* 2 pay stubs
* A real estate tax bill
* A DVD from [Netflix]( “Netflix”) – [Mannix: Season 1, Disc 2]( “Mannix Season 1 Page”) (The previous DVD was returned Thursday, 10/23.)
* A plea from [Bob Goodlatte]( “Bob Goodlatte”)
* A subscription offer from [The Washington Spectator]( “The Washington Spectator”)