The mailbox contained:
* November-December 2008 issue of [Audubon Magazine]( “Audubon Magazine”) (Green Travel – Skiing Norway’s Reindeer Country)
* December 2008 issue of [National Geographic]( “National Geographic Magazine”) (The Real King Herod – Architect of the Holy Land) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* Volume 13, Number 6 issue of [House to House Heart to Heart]( “House to House Heart to Heart”) (The Ten Most Important Words You’ll Ever Say)
* A coupon from [Virginia Furniture Market]( “Virginia Furniture Market”)
* [Lowe’s]( “Lowe’s”) coupons
* A subscription offer from [American Journal of Nursing]( “American Journal of Nursing”)
* A plea from the [Pancreatic Cancer Action Network]( “Pancreatic Cancer Action Network”)
* A plea from the [USO]( “USO”)
* A plea from the [VFW]( “VFW”)