What is the Price of Gas in Salem, VA Wednesday, 12.10.2008?

The gasoline prices at the [Shell @ 4th & Union Streets](http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=40+W+4th+St+24153&sll=37.295274,-80.056729&sspn=0.030214,0.06609&ie=UTF8&ll=37.285646,-80.05865&spn=0.007554,0.016522&t=h&z=17&g=40+W+4th+St+24153&iwloc=addr “Google Map”)
in Salem, VA:

Grade | Price
——– | ——-
Regular | $1.259
Mid | $1.359
Premium | $1.459
Diesel | $2.659
Kerosene | $3.499

Regular unleaded, mid-grade unleaded, and diesel prices are down 2 cents, but premium is up 4 cents per gallon.

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