- Is Money Tainting the Plasma Supply? – http://bit.ly/8j0Zpj #
- The Doctors Were Real, the Patients Undercover – http://bit.ly/5RJxbO #
- Tough Season May Force Texas Oystermen to Fold – http://bit.ly/5RJxbO #
- TV Exec Upset When Daughter Doesn't Want To Bring TV To College http://ff.im/-cvNKg #
- The new ocean predator: Jellyfish? http://ff.im/-cvTiI #
- ♫ #listening to WNRN: Bluegrass Sunday Morning (WNRN-FM live stream 64kbps mp3) #musicSunday #
- ♫ #listening to (WNRN: FM live stream 64kbps mp3) #musicSunday #
- Google Chrome Extensions http://ff.im/-cvVG9 #
- Listening to the Bob Edwards Show for Thursday, 9/2/09. The guests were Richard Russo & David Kipen.
http://a.4×3.us/z286 # - Granny threatens Rolling Stones Guitarist http://ff.im/-cvYZF #
- RT @SteveCase: Thanks to iPhone, smartphones have become the Swiss Army knives of the digital age (NYTimes) http://bit.ly/4yzigC #
- RT @buzzflash: Maybe bin Laden's body in cryogenics, like Ted Williams'. Maybe Bush has Osama's head in a hat box in his bedroom closet. #
- Lack of computer access hampers some students http://bit.ly/6C0xkV #
- Xbox Live: steve880 is currently Online. Playing Madden NFL 09. Madden Virtual Trainer. (Xbox Live Nation) #
- IRS Tells Single Mom She's Too Poor, Must Be Lying http://ff.im/-cwZCw #
- Jacob's Andouille – Coupons http://ff.im/-cx11s #
- The New Yorker Digital Edition : Nov 23, 2009 – Reds http://ff.im/-cxbz8 #
- Assessing China's Carbon-Cutting Proposal – Council on Foreign Relations http://ff.im/-cxbz9 #
- Christopher Hitchens on Lebanon and Syria | vanityfair.com http://ff.im/-cxc5F #
- Xbox Live: steve880 is currently Online. Playing Netflix. Watching Sonny with a Chance: Season 1 – Sonny in the Mid…. (Xbox Live Nation) #
- Look at the Birdie: Unpublished Short Fiction http://ff.im/-cxnLv #
- Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide http://ff.im/-cxnLr #
- A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East http://ff.im/-cxnLt #
- Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa http://ff.im/-cxnLs #
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