This week’s vegetables from Homestead Creamery – 2010 June 29

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This week we received 2 vegetable boxes from Homestead Creamery. It’s the first week we’ve received 2, and it’s the first week that I’ve received any tomatoes, herbs, egg plant, and non-pickling cucumbers.

The only other items we’ve received so far this season are cabbage, carrots, one mess of wax beans, one beet, and lots of pickling cucumbers, squash, and zucchini. Some weeks the squash and zucchini look like they should have been picked a week or two earlier.

They purchase their vegetables from Sausser Farms, and so far, the vegetables haven’t met my or Homestead Creamery’s expectations.

We signed up to buy one 5lb Option A box and one 5lb Option B box each week.

Option A is supposed to be a combination of potatoes, tomatoes, onions, squash, and herbs.

Option B is supposed to be a combination of cucumbers, egg plant, greens, string/pole beans, broccoli, and zucchini.

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