Category Archives: Agriculture


Peanut industry must crack foreign markets, agriculture official tells farmers, researchers

The 2002 Farm Bill was written during a budget surplus year. That’s no longer the situation. We’re working with a rising budget deficit. Instead of having an opportunity to share in a growing pie, we have a shrinking pie. That could mean there will be fewer agricultural subsidies in the upcoming farm bill, and the price farmers get for their peanuts, cut almost in half in 2002, could drop even more.

There has to be more emphasis on the foreign market, and new product uses need to be developed.

Read (Virginian-Pilot)

Va. dairy will cut its operation

Valley Rich Dairy announced yesterday that it will shut down processing and bottling operations at its Roanoke plant next month, putting 160 employees out of work.

The company, which has its headquarters in Roanoke, also announced it is closing 15 of its 17 distribution centers in Virginia, North Carolina and West Virginia by Sept. 9, leaving another 140 workers jobless.

The distribution centers that are closing are in Richmond, Bluefield, Galax, Collinsville and Norfolk. The only Virginia distribution center remaining open is in the town of Appalachia, in far Southwest Virginia.

Read (Richmond Times Dispatch)

Fish kill devastates North Fork of Shenandoah River

The few surviving adult smallmouth bass in almost 100 miles of the
Shenandoah River and its tributaries are spotted with lesions. These
fish, and many others in the sunfish family, are either dead or dying
of bacterial and fungal infections.

There’ll be no more real fishing on the main stem of the Shenandoah River for three or four years. A wildlife biologist with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries predicted a longer wait for the North River – possibly until *2010* before there are 12-inch smallies in there again.

Several experts have linked the fish deaths to the rapid
runoff of sediment and fertilizers during the last week of April.

Read (Staunton News Leader)