Category Archives: Environment

Talon Show

Each fall, 18,000 raptors get a bird’s-eye view of this central Pennsylvania sanctuary, located an hour northeast of Harrisburg, Pa. They’re on routes that can begin at Canada’s Hudson Bay and end in Argentina, soaring down the Appalachian Kittatinny Ridge before cutting across Texas into Mexico, where they mass in the millions.

Read (Washington Post)

New Orleans’ toxic tide

Chemicals leaking from cars and factories will cause one of costliest environmental cleanups ever. As engineers began pumping out New Orleans, the water they’re moving carries a volatile mix of everything imaginable – from household paints, deodorants, and old car batteries to railroad tank cars, sewage treatment plants, and landfills. While state officials stop short of calling it a toxic soup, at least so far, federal environmental officials call it catastrophic.

Read (Christian Science Monitor)

Water Returned to Lake Pontchartrain Contains Toxic Material

While the human and economic toll of Hurricane Katrina continued to mount, New Orleans was beginning to pump back into Lake Pontchartrain the floodwaters that had inundated the city. What started flowing back into the lake is laced with raw sewage, bacteria, heavy metals, pesticides and toxic chemicals.

Whether or not the accelerating pumping of this brew from city streets into coastal waters poses a threat to the ecosystems and fisheries in the brackish bay remains to be seen.

Read (New York Times)

Community Forestry Bids to Preserve Scenic West

The interest of local people in managing the neighboring woods for their benefit is known as community forestry, part of a growing international trend. In community forestry, traditional opponents like environmentalists and loggers often join to fight a common enemy, for example subdivisions, absentee landowners or the decline of a local economy.

Read (New York Times)