Category Archives: Environment

Drilling where antelope play

How the US Bureau of Land Management succeeds – or fails – to balance energy demands with protecting what many call “North America’s winter Serengeti” could impact drilling disputes from Alaska to Florida as environmentalists clash with the Bush administration over opening up more public land to development.

Read (Christian Science Monitor)

Rural America Vulnerable To Bioterrorism And Natural Disaster Threats

The Harvard School of Public Health Center for Public Health Preparedness, in collaboration with the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, and four other schools of public health, has released its latest independent report highlighting rural preparedness challenges and concerns.

[Read][ReadMe] (ScienceDaily)


Wolves Alleviate Impact Of Climate Change On Food Supply, Finds New Study

Yellowstone National Park’s gray wolves, once nearly extinct there, have returned to play a critical role in easing the effects of climate change on food availability, according to a new study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley.

[Read][ReadMe] (ScienceDaily)
