Category Archives: Family

Pink Eye

[Pink eye]( “Wikipedia: Conjunctivitis (pinkeye) – inflammation of the conjunctiva (the outermost layer of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids)”) is making the rounds in our house. My youngest had it in March. The middle child was diagnosed with pink eye at the beginning of last week, and the oldest at the end of last week. Now, I have pink eye. My left eye is swollen, red, bloodshot, and secreting a large amount of [goop]( “ A sticky wet viscous substance.”). It looks and feels disgusting. I think I’ll put a patch over my eye if I have to go out tomorrow. It also looks like it’s time to refill the eye drops that have a $35 copay. I’ll be glad when this is over.

The Sick House

All 3 kids have been sick this week.

Last Saturday, we had to take A. to the doctor, and she was diagnosed with strep throat.  Monday, I took W. to the doctor, and he had pink eye.  Tuesday evening, B. caught some kind of 24-hour bug and started throwing up.  Wednesday evening, W. started throwing up, and Thursday, A. started throwing up.

It’s been a long week.

We Made it Through Another Christmas

We successfully made it through another Christmas.  The kids were very pleased with the gifts that Santa brought them, and it’s a good thing Santa came early, because A.E. got up at 03:30, B. woke up at 04:30, and they woke up W. at 05:00.  The only down notes of the day were the in-laws. 

Once again, I listened to my mother-in-law complain about the number of presents she received –

“Is that all I got?  Are there any more presents for me?  My significant other got more presents than I did.” 

I wish my wife would have let me do what I wanted to do – instead of giving her gifts, donate a water buffalo in her name through Heifer International.

My father-in-law didn’t show up this year, and that upset the kids.  We saw him a week earlier, and he promised the kids that he’d see them Christmas Day.  Apparently, something came up, because he didn’t call or come by.  The kids are having a hard time understanding why they haven’t seen much of him since he and my mother-in-law divorced (for the second time).

Southwest Virginia Ballet’s Nutcracker

A.E. Striking a Pose

My daughter has a part in the Southwest Virginia Ballet’s Nutcracker again this year. They’re doing 2 shows this weekend at the Roanoke Civic Center. Let’s hope more people come see the performances this year than last year.

Because ticket sales were so bad last year, they decided that they needed to cut expenses and not utilize the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra’s services this year. I would think that they could cut more expenses by moving the performance to either the Salem Civic Center or Olin Hall next year.

The Southwest Virginia Ballet also needs to advertise this event. Sending the kids home with some posters isn’t cutting it. I’ve heard plenty of advertising for the Moscow Ballet, but nothing for Southwest Virginia’s Nutcracker. How can you expect people to come see the show if you don’t let them know about it???

Bought a Christmas Tree and Got Out of Hell Free

This year, we decided to buy our Christmas tree from one of the churches near us, because we were in a hurry, it was close, and the money went to charity. Saturday morning, my 2 older children walked through the lot several times until they found the tree they wanted. One of the men working the lot carried the tree to the car, tied it to the top of car, took my $40, and handed me a “Get Out of Hell Free” card.

Front of Card:

Get Out of Hell Free Card Front

Back of card:
Get Out of Hell Free Card Back