Category Archives: Health

Pink Eye Day 4

By the fourth day, the kids’ pink eye had cleared up, but mine hasn’t. In fact, it appears to be worse. My left eye has been oozing stuff like there’s no tomorrow, and now, my right eye is starting to produce goop, too. The right eye probably got nailed last night. I woke up once last night and I was lying on my right side. My left eye was producing so much liquid that it was running across my nose and over my right eye.

Pink Eye Day 4 - Click for a Larger View

Pink Eye

[Pink eye]( “Wikipedia: Conjunctivitis (pinkeye) – inflammation of the conjunctiva (the outermost layer of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids)”) is making the rounds in our house. My youngest had it in March. The middle child was diagnosed with pink eye at the beginning of last week, and the oldest at the end of last week. Now, I have pink eye. My left eye is swollen, red, bloodshot, and secreting a large amount of [goop]( “ A sticky wet viscous substance.”). It looks and feels disgusting. I think I’ll put a patch over my eye if I have to go out tomorrow. It also looks like it’s time to refill the eye drops that have a $35 copay. I’ll be glad when this is over.

HIV origin ‘found in wild chimps’

The origin of HIV has been found in wild chimpanzees living in southern Cameroon, researchers report.

It is thought that people hunting chimpanzees first contracted the virus – and that cases were first seen in Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo – the nearest urban area – in 1930.

Scientists believe the rareness of cases – and the fact that symptoms of Aids differ significantly between individuals – explains why it was another 50 years before the virus was named.

[Read]( (BBC)

Cells from mutant mice kill cancers

White blood cells from a unique breed of cancer-resistant mice have cured advanced cancers in normal mice. When injected, the immune cells sought out and killed existing tumours and also protected the mice against lethal doses of new, highly aggressive cancers. The “resistant-cell therapy” appears to work without toxic side effects

[Read]( (New Scientist)

US survey shows autism very common

The first national surveys of autism show the condition is very common among U.S. children — with up to one in every 175 with the disorder, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Thursday.

[Read]( (Reuters)

Mercury report details toxic fish

Nearly 60 percent of fish taken from Maryland waters show concentrations of toxic mercury at levels unsafe for infants and children, according to the Maryland Public Interest Research Group.

[Read](,0,6241173.story?track=rss) (Baltimore Sun)