Category Archives: Health

Alzheimer’s ‘faster in educated’

Alzheimer’s disease progresses more rapidly in highly educated people, research suggests.

It is thought high levels of education may ward off Alzheimer’s by helping the brain better tolerate damaging changes.

But the latest study, involving 312 Alzheimer’s patients, suggests once accumulated damage reaches a critical level, decline is relatively swift.

Read (BBC)

Vaccine Against Diarrhea-Causing Virus Is Approved

The vaccine has been shown to prevent almost entirely the life-threatening bouts of diarrhea and vomiting that accompany rotavirus infections.

Merck, the medicine’s maker, has said it will charge $187.50 for a series of three oral doses, making it one of the most expensive vaccines sold. That price may undercut the usefulness of the vaccine because the children least able to afford it will be the ones most in need of it. The vaccine could force some state health departments to abandon long-held promises to vaccinate all children regardless of income.

Read (New York Times)