Category Archives: Health

Athletes Should Watch Water Intake, Study Finds

A study finds that runners who drink too much water during periods of heavy exertion can be dangerous and even fatal. Melissa Block talks with David S. Greenes, Harvard professor and co-author of “Hyponatremia Among Runners in the Boston Marathon,” which appears in the current issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

Listen (NPR’s All Things Considered)

Why Some Polio Immunizations Fails

Fifty years ago after the development of a polio vaccine, the World Health Organization is still trying to eradicate the disease. But there are doubts that mass immunization campaigns are the most effective approach. In the second story in a series marking the polio vaccine anniversary, a look at why some polio immunization programs fail.

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Study Shows Promise for Alzheimer’s Treatment

The results of a study related to Alzheimer’s suggest there is a new way to halt or even reverse the disease. The experimental treatment uses antibodies to attack a protein thought to destroy brain cells. Scientists say the results are highly preliminary but promising.

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Scientists Rush to Destroy Killer Flu Virus

The killer “Asian” flu virus, sent to laboratories around the world as part of routine test kits, could trigger a pandemic if it escapes, but the chances of that are low, the World Health Organization said on Wednesday.

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New Study Indicates That Popular Sports Beverages Cause More Irreversible Damage To Teeth Than Soda

While sports and energy drinks help athletes re-hydrate after a long workout, if consumed on a regular basis they can damage teeth. These beverages may cause irreversible damage to dental enamel, potentially resulting in severe tooth decay according to a study reported in the January/February issue of General Dentistry, the Academy of General Dentistry’s clinical, peer-reviewed journal.

[Read][ReadMe] (ScienceDaily)


Research Says Your Happiness Makes Your Partner Happy — But Only If You Are Married

New research by University of Warwick researcher Nick Powdthavee reveals that a married man or woman is significantly more satisfied with their life when their partner is satisfied with life. But he has also found almost no evidence of the same affect among couples that prefer cohabitation to marriage.

[Read][ReadMe] (ScienceDaily)


Cockroach Allergens Have Greatest Impact On Childhood Asthma In Many U.S. Cities

New results from a nationwide study on factors that affect asthma in inner-city children show that cockroach allergen appears to worsen asthma symptoms more than either dust mite or pet allergens. This research, funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, is the first large-scale study to show marked geographic differences in allergen exposure and sensitivity in inner-city children.

[Read][ReadMe] (ScienceDaily)
