Category Archives: Health

Computer Test Accurately Detects Early Alzheimer’s

Researchers have developed a more accurate version of a standard test to detect dementia and cognitive impairment that takes only about 10 minutes to administer, according to a report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[Read][ReadMe] (Reuters)


Licorice Licks Herpes Virus Infection

Researchers demonstrate that a compound found in licorice, glycyrrhizic acid (GA), can kill cells that are latently infected with Kaposi sarcoma–associated herpes virus.


[Originally][ReadMe] from [ScienceDaily Headlines][SrcUrl]


Eating Oily Fish May Reduce Inflammation

A new study explains how a diet high in oily fish like salmon and mackerel improves inflammatory conditions, particularly in combination with low doses of aspirin. In a study in the March 7 issue of The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Arita and colleagues identify an anti-inflammatory lipid in humans that is derived from an essential fatty acid in fish oil.


[Originally][ReadMe] from [ScienceDaily Headlines][SrcUrl]


Anti-Cholesterol Drugs Can Protect the Heart

A large study has produced the strongest evidence yet that driving cholesterol down to very low levels offers additional protection against heart attacks and strokes.


[Originally][ReadMe] from the [Washington Post][SrcUrl]


CDC Explores Pregnancy and Homicide

Homicide is a leading cause of traumatic death among new and expectant mothers, with higher risks for women who are younger than 20 or black, according to a report.


[Originally][ReadMe] from the [Washington Post][SrcUrl]


The Cost of Compliance

It’s easy to find bargains at fast-food restaurants, where dollar menus and other deals entice cost-conscious consumers. But what about healthful eating? More specifically, what about eating according to the new U.S. Dietary Guidelines? Can you do it without taking a big bite out of your wallet?


[Originally][ReadMe] from the [Washington Post][SrcUrl]


Drugs Raise Risk of Suicide Attempts

Adults taking antidepressants are more than twice as likely to attempt suicide as patients given sugar pills, according to an analysis.


[Originally][ReadMe] from the [Washington Post][SrcUrl]
