The mailbox contained:
* November + December 2008 issue of [Mother Jones]( “Mother Jones”) (how to Rescue the Economy and Save the Planet) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* November 2008 issue of [Harper’s]( “Harper’s”) (How To Save Capitalism) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* November 2008 issue of [The Atlantic]( “The Atlantic”) (Should Women Rule the World?) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* November 2008 issue of [National Geographic]( “National Geographic”) (The End of Night – Why We Need Darkness)[T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* November 2008 issue of [Paste]( “Paste”) (Heir of Bowie) [Read]( “Read the Issue”)
* An [American Girl]( “American Girl”) Catalog
* Coupons from [Valvoline Instant Oil Change]( “Valvoline Instant Oil Change”)
* An offer from the [Musical Heritage Society]( “Musica Heritage Society”)
* An offer from [Balfour]( “Balfour”) for a Radford class ring
* An offer from [Cook’s Country]( “Cook’s Country”)
* A plea from the [Sierra Club]( “Sierra Club”)
* A plea from [America’s Second Harvest]( “America’s Second Harvest”)
* A plea from the [Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee]( “Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee”)
* A plea from [Americans for Tax Reform]( “Americans for Tax Reform”)
* USB Chip samples from [Microchip]( “Microchip”) via [Circuit Cellar]( “Circuit Cellar”)