Category Archives: Football

NFL’s ‘franchise’ fee

Not much talent will remain in free agency if more players are given the franchise tag Tuesday.


[Originally][ReadMe] from [Yahoo! Sports](

Getting Raked Over Coles

Laveranues Coles wants off the Redskins’ gravy train. Stop the engine and let him off because there are plenty of wide receivers waiting on the platform.


[Originally][ReadMe] from the [Washington Post](


Portis disputes that he owes money for his No. 26

Clinton Portis’ agent says the Washington running back has been “more than generous” with former teammate Ifeanyi Ohalete, who claims Portis owes him $20,000 of the $40,000 promised when Ohalete gave Portis his No. 26 jersey. “We have a position on that that is different from theirs,” said Drew Rosenhaus, Portis’ agent.

Why can’t underachieving, overpaid Clinton Portis just shut up and pay the money? He should pay Redskins’ fans who had to suffer through his lousy performance this season. The Redskins could have saved millions of dollars and had similar or better results from the running game if they would have stuck with Trung Canidate or Rock Cartwright.


Originally from Yahoo! Sports

Redskins Have Yet to Gain Ground

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Except for a defense that has risen to second in the NFL, the Washington Redskins have many of the same issues that Steve Spurrier’s team had in the 2003 season. Washington has allowed eight fewer sacks than last year with one game to play, but has been weaker both running and passing the ball. Joe Gibbs’s offense is less efficient running the ball than Spurrier’s was.

Redskins Can Still Make The Playoffs, But They Need Help

Rich Tandler said that the Redskins can still make the playoffs if several things happen.

  • The Redskins must win their last 2 games against Dallas and Minnesota.
  • 6 of the following 7 teams must finish 7-9 or worse: Minnesota, Saint Louis*, Carolina, Tampa, Detroit, Chicago, and New Orleans.
  • Saint Louis needs to lose to Arizona and Philadelphia
  • *If Saint Louis finishes better than 7-9, the Redskins need Seattle to finish 7-9.
  • The Giants also need to lose one of their last two games.

Where do we stand after the weekend?

  • Minnesota is now 8-8, so their record is out of the equation.
  • Tampa, Detroit, and Chicago lost and now have 9 losses. They’ve done their part and are out of the equation.
  • Saint Louis lost to Arizona, so now we need for them to lose to Philadelphia this week. I never thought I’d say this, but Go Eagles.
  • Seattle lost and is now 7-7. Let’s go Arizona – beat Seattle.
  • Carolina lost to Atlanta and is now 6-8. We need for them to lose to either Tampa this week or New Orleans next week. Go Tampa
  • New Orleans won and is now 6-8. We need for them to lose to either Atlanta this week or Carolina next week. Let’s go Atlanta.
  • The Redskins must beat Dallas this week and Minnesota next week. Go Skins!
  • The Giants still need to lose one of their last two games, so go Bengals.

So, if the Redskins win this week and Saint Louis, Carolina, New Orleans, and the Giants all lose this week, the Redskins will just need to win their last game against Minnesota to get into the playoffs. It’s possible.

Buying Bowl Tickets Is a Game in Itself

Tickets to your favorite bowl game are readily available, for a price.

When they checked Sugar Bowl prices, they found tickets ranging from $195 to $1,352 at When I checked, the prices ranged from $185 to $26,472. You can search for tickets at:

Originally from The New York Times

Virginia Tech 16, Miami 10

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For the first time in a long time, the Hokies did not have a late season collapse, and they won the ACC title. I guess Tech was the surprise of the ACC since they were picked to finish 6th in the preseason poll. Frank Beamer’s bonus check certainly got fatter after his team won.

Because Tech’s going to a BCS bowl game, Beamer’s bonus increases from $143,227 to $264,840, and if he wins the BCS game, he’ll receive an additional $15,000 vs. $10,000 for winning a regular bowl game. His coordinators receive bonuses of $35,000 each for the BCS bowl game vs. $30,000 for a non-BCS bowl game, and the other 7 full-time assistants get $20,000 bonuses instead of the $10,000 they would have received for a non-BCS bowl. The Assistants also receive an additional bonus if Tech wins the BCS bowl game.