Tag Archives: flow

RT @RepSwalwell: Here’s the bottom line: The Inflation Reduc

RT [@RepSwalwell](https://twitter.com/RepSwalwell/status/1559212469771460613) Here’s the bottom line: The Inflation Reduction Act will address the climate crisis, lower Rx costs, fix parts of our broken tax system and reduce the deficit. And, it will do that without raising taxes on anyone making under 400k a year – not by one dime. https://t.co/6s3E2iY9QQ

RT @lindyli: Clinton NSA Sandy Berger lost his security clea

RT [@lindyli](https://twitter.com/lindyli/status/1559025199617609728) Clinton NSA Sandy Berger lost his security clearance and law license, was fined $50,000 & sentenced to 2 yrs of probation for taking just 5 docs from the National Archives

Trump took at least 27 BOXES of state secrets and nuclear docs

Lock this traitor up and throw away the key

RT @JohnFugelsang: The politicians who tell you ‘Biden is c

RT [@JohnFugelsang](https://twitter.com/JohnFugelsang/status/1558962320277110793) The politicians who tell you
‘Biden is coming for your guns’
are the politicians who are coming
for your Social Security

RT @charlie_savage: The top lawyer at the National Security

RT [@charlie_savage](https://twitter.com/charlie_savage/status/1558825846919634945) The top lawyer at the National Security Agency during Trump’s presidency says Trump’s latest defense – claiming he had a standing order declassifying the info in whatever docs he happened to take from the Oval Office to the residence – is “preposterous.” https://t.co/kgi5Q30qY1

‘What a Horrible Place This Would Have Been’ Archaeologists

‘What a Horrible Place This Would Have Been’

Archaeologists found the remains of 14 soldiers who died in a pivotal Revolutionary War battle — a fresh reminder of the violence of war.

https://t.co/YCwlBZgmhc via [Twitter](https://twitter.com/SJenkins/status/1558827089708683265)

RT @LKDucolon1984: As a former CIA analyst, let me just say

RT [@LKDucolon1984](https://twitter.com/LKDucolon1984/status/1558200295116705793) As a former CIA analyst, let me just say that if I had ever left with a single TS/SCI document, not only would the FBI have shown up with a no-knock warrant, I would have been removed in handcuffs and guilty until proven innocent. This is not a joke. This is not ‘ooo, let’s see


RT @crampell: I guess my question is: Is there any alleged c

RT [@crampell](https://twitter.com/crampell/status/1558805753380618245) I guess my question is: Is there any alleged crime Trump could commit that *wouldn’t* be too much for these guys? https://t.co/z3jbM4dJgx

RT @JoyceWhiteVance: This excuse doesn’t pass muster. Top Se

RT [@JoyceWhiteVance](https://twitter.com/JoyceWhiteVance/status/1558805628403027969) This excuse doesn’t pass muster. Top Secret documents are clearly labeled & TS/SCI material can’t be removed from a SCIF. This is shades of the, “well, Trump is a political novice so he didn’t know” excuses we heard early on about campaigning violations. Don’t be fooled. https://t.co/lkBQPcDdef

RT @kenklippenstein: Today, the FBI and DHS issued a Joint I

RT [@kenklippenstein](https://twitter.com/kenklippenstein/status/1558597533198327808) Today, the FBI and DHS issued a Joint Intelligence Bullet warning of “the potential for domestic violent extremists to carry out attacks…in reaction to the FBI’s recent execution of a court-authorized search warrant in Palm Beach, Florida,” per internal memo I obtained: https://t.co/qcXiQ0PIKS


RT @KerryHowley: For the crime of mishandling national defen

RT [@KerryHowley](https://twitter.com/KerryHowley/status/1558163936754561025) For the crime of mishandling national defense information the Trump administration sent @reazlepuff to jail for five years, the longest sentence ever for an Espionage Act violation. https://t.co/5u9XVF01hz

RT @DonLew87: Florida. Elementary school teacher in Pensacol

RT [@DonLew87](https://twitter.com/DonLew87/status/1558620301260382209) Florida. Elementary school teacher in Pensacola resigns after a district employee took down classroom posters of prominent Black figures, including Harriett Tubman, saying ‘it was not age appropriate’. A photo of Barack Obama was also apparently confiscated. Lovely.