Tag Archives: flow

The Hacking of Starlink Terminals Has Begun It cost a resea

The Hacking of Starlink Terminals Has Begun

It cost a researcher only $25 worth of parts to create a tool that allows custom code to run on the satellite dishes. https://t.co/mN660Z36Mu via [Twitter](https://twitter.com/SJenkins/status/1558760651153080321)

A Flaw in the VA’s Medical Records Platform May Put Patients

A Flaw in the VA’s Medical Records Platform May Put Patients at Risk

The Veterans Affairs’ VistA software has a vulnerability that could let an attacker “masquerade as a doctor,” a security researcher warns. https://t.co/bdBj4LHXKn via [Twitter](https://twitter.com/SJenkins/status/1558756589527498752)

RT @RBReich: The Citizens United disaster, in a nutshell: I

RT [@RBReich](https://twitter.com/RBReich/status/1558656116225089538) The Citizens United disaster, in a nutshell:

In 2008, before the ruling, billionaires contributed $31 million to federal campaigns.

In 2020, billionaires contributed $1.2 billion.

That’s a 40-fold increase.

It never had to be like this.

RT @TraceyDelaney: Imagine if Republicans were even half as

RT [@TraceyDelaney](https://twitter.com/TraceyDelaney/status/1558623603859591169) Imagine if Republicans were even half as outraged about school children being shot as they are about a millionaire’s 3rd home being searched?

RT @maggieNYT: NEW: The surveillance footage the DOJ subpoen

RT [@maggieNYT](https://twitter.com/maggieNYT/status/1558606423222804481) NEW: The surveillance footage the DOJ subpoenaed was for a 60-day period. According to a person familiar with the footage, it showed that after one instance in which the DOJ was in touch w Trump’s team, boxes were moved out of the storage area. https://t.co/JKTTvk2a5H

RT @lindyli: Has anyone checked the Xerox machines and print

RT [@lindyli](https://twitter.com/lindyli/status/1558563519502630913) Has anyone checked the Xerox machines and printers at Mar-a-Lago?

Many models today retain a record of what was copied, emailed, or faxed

Trump had 585 days to send our secrets around the world and the people working for him are often breathtakingly careless

Just sayin’

RT @joncoopertweets: BREAKING: Gas prices have FALLEN for 60

RT [@joncoopertweets](https://twitter.com/joncoopertweets/status/1558419447584620544) BREAKING: Gas prices have FALLEN for 60 days in a row — the national average is now only $3.97/gal.⛽️

RT @New_Narrative: I was first granted TS-SCI & a Q clea

RT [@New_Narrative](https://twitter.com/New_Narrative/status/1558421659182407681) I was first granted TS-SCI & a Q clearance for restricted nuclear information in 1971. I held high level clearances throughout my 32-year government career & into retirement. I always understood why such information must be protected in a SCIF. I signed an agreement for life. https://t.co/bG439MqSZv

An unusual deal gave Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin $8.5 milli

An unusual deal gave Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin $8.5 million in cash and tax-free status to his almost $200 million in stock, a lawsuit says  https://t.co/QXtcAq2B4l via @nbcnews via [Twitter](https://twitter.com/SJenkins/status/1558408458604511232)

RT @MichaelJElston: This is untrue, unless you make over $40

RT [@MichaelJElston](https://twitter.com/MichaelJElston/status/1558398042172260352) This is untrue, unless you make over $400,000 a year. So, another Republican lie. https://t.co/m0cGJtjldG

RT @SenDuckworth: Just 8% of Americans are uninsured today—t

RT [@SenDuckworth](https://twitter.com/SenDuckworth/status/1558186325643329537) Just 8% of Americans are uninsured today—the lowest rate in our nation’s history.

And it’s no accident. It’s what happens when a party works to improve and expand the ACA, rather than tear it down.

RT @JDCocchiarella: Donald Trump is the first person to comm

RT [@JDCocchiarella](https://twitter.com/JDCocchiarella/status/1558182194971123712) Donald Trump is the first person to commit espionage without being able to spell the word.