Tag Archives: flow
Bruce Springsteen ticket prices are giving fans a crisis of
Bruce Springsteen ticket prices are giving fans a crisis of faith
— Steve Jenkins (@SJenkins) August 4, 2022
RT @MaxBoot: Democrats have passed a $1.9T economic stimulus
Democrats have passed a $1.9T economic stimulus package, a $1.2T infrastructure bill, a $280B bill to fund semiconductors, another $280B bill to pay for veterans' health care, and the most significant (if still inadequate) gun legislation in 3 decades.
— Max Boot 🇺🇦🇺🇸 (@MaxBoot) August 3, 2022
RT @JoyceWhiteVance: DOD wiped the phones of top departing o
DOD wiped the phones of top departing officials as the Trump administration ended, deleting texts from key witnesses to 1-6, per court filings. Trump replaced the Secy of Defense & 3 top officials at DOD with loyalists AFTER he lost the election.
— Joyce Alene (@JoyceWhiteVance) August 2, 2022
Senate Passes Bill to Expand Benefits for Veterans Exposed t br> via [Twitter](
Senate Passes Bill to Expand Benefits for Veterans Exposed to Burn Pits. Republicans who had blocked the bill, which would extend benefits to an estimated 3.5 million vets, allowed it to pass after trying unsuccessfully to limit funding for the treatments.
— Steve Jenkins (@SJenkins) August 3, 2022
RT @RWPUSA: Intentional destruction of government records, i
Somebody should be going to the slammer for this.
Intentional destruction of government records, including text messages, is a crime. Destruction of government records in the midst of a law enforcement investigation is obstruction of justice.
Somebody should be going to the slammer for this.— Richard W. Painter (@RWPUSA) August 2, 2022
RT @jayhancock1: Weapon CIA used to get al-Zawahiri. Kinetic
Weapon CIA used to get al-Zawahiri. Kinetic Hellfire R9X. No warhead explosives, just blades that swing out to kill only one guy.
— Jay Hancock (@jayhancock1) August 2, 2022
RT @mmfa: Cable news spent more than double the amount of ti
Cable news spent more than double the amount of time covering gas prices when they were rising than when they were declining
— Media Matters (@mmfa) August 1, 2022
RT @USUA_Activists: Washington DC, yesterday. Two young Ukr
Two young Ukrainian-American girls place sunflowers outside the entrance to the Russian embassy.
Minutes later, a Russian embassy staff member arrives and starts violently kicking the flowers.
Washington DC, yesterday.
Two young Ukrainian-American girls place sunflowers outside the entrance to the Russian embassy.
Minutes later, a Russian embassy staff member arrives and starts violently kicking the flowers.
— US Ukrainian Activists (@USUA_Activists) August 1, 2022
19 states have joined a new right-wing effort to remake the
19 states have joined a new right-wing effort to remake the Constitution with their fringe ideas
— Steve Jenkins (@SJenkins) August 1, 2022
RT @lindyli: Exxon, Chevron & other criminal leeches are
It’s not fiscal or monetary policy alone that’s the biggest catalyst behind higher gas prices
Exxon, Chevron & other criminal leeches are using inflation & Biden as scapegoats to suck us dry and suffocate us with their toxic fossil fuel fumes
It’s not fiscal or monetary policy alone that’s the biggest catalyst behind higher gas prices
— Lindy Li (@lindyli) August 1, 2022
RT @Harpers: Percentage change since 2010 in the average cos
In the average price of an electric vehicle : +80
Percentage change since 2010 in the average cost of an electric vehicle battery : –89
In the average price of an electric vehicle : +80
— Harper's Magazine (@Harpers) July 30, 2022
RT @maxberger: A 70% reduction in mass shootings sure seems
RT @RexChapman: Their leader voted against veterans. @Leader
Their leader voted against veterans. @LeaderMcConnell
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) July 29, 2022
RT @sadmonsters: Normally the only time someone gets buried
Normally the only time someone gets buried in a golf course is the end of a Scorsese movie
— Frank Lesser (@sadmonsters) July 29, 2022