Tag Archives: flow

RT @duty2warn: In an editorial today, the prestigious Kansas

RT [@duty2warn](https://twitter.com/duty2warn/status/1550882374925185026) In an editorial today, the prestigious Kansas City Star called Josh Hawley an election-denying national laughingstock.

RT @lindyli: Rupert Murdoch owns the NY Post & Wall Stre

RT [@lindyli](https://twitter.com/lindyli/status/1551000262239739905) Rupert Murdoch owns the NY Post & Wall Street Journal

Both just ran editorials slamming Trump. Fox has been showering DeSantis with glowing coverage

Murdoch is jumping on the DeSantis wagon

Ron is just as fascist as Trump but much smarter & thus more dangerous

Friends, beware

RT @NewsHour: Women have been able to get birth control pill

RT [@NewsHour](https://twitter.com/NewsHour/status/1550684377096536065) Women have been able to get birth control pills with a prescription for six decades. But unlike many other countries, over 100 of them, the U.S. still has not authorized and over-the-counter option yet. https://t.co/7HbM6Sd9EI

RT @ProjectLincoln: Remember when a TX weatherman was talkin

RT [@ProjectLincoln](https://twitter.com/ProjectLincoln/status/1550622314529685507) Remember when a TX weatherman was talking about how hot temperatures could lead to rolling blackouts…and then the TV studio’s lights went out? Classic @GregAbbott_TX! @reedgalen unleashes on this gubernatorial failure in the newest episode of the pod: https://t.co/LP0rsZGmPn https://t.co/dHyJqok6yH

RT @lindyli: Trump could barely read the teleprompter in the

RT [@lindyli](https://twitter.com/lindyli/status/1550622185101860864) Trump could barely read the teleprompter in the blooper reel and struggled to pronounce basic English words like “yesterday” and “defiled”

But yes MAGAts, tell us more about how Biden is the one who can’t read 🙄

RT @Jacoby4HOF: Jacoby and Russ Grimm open a big hole for Ri

RT [@Jacoby4HOF](https://twitter.com/Jacoby4HOF/status/1509252946755788802) Jacoby and Russ Grimm open a big hole for Riggins during the 1982 season opener against Philadelphia. The CBS crew of Tom Brookshier and Wayne Walker talk about how nobody — including Joe Gibbs — even knew who Jacoby was a year earlier. https://t.co/BT7M5mxbIS

RT @RBReich: The House and Senate GOP super PACs raised near

RT [@RBReich](https://twitter.com/RBReich/status/1547702732663926787) The House and Senate GOP super PACs raised nearly $190 million in the first 16 months of the 2022 campaign cycle.

Of that $190 million, $89 million came from just 27 billionaires.

This is what a billionaire-rigged system looks like.

We absolutely must overturn Citizens United.

RT @girlsreallyrule: The White House scrubbed all of the rec

RT [@girlsreallyrule](https://twitter.com/girlsreallyrule/status/1550279111167336448) The White House scrubbed all of the records, including the Presidential Diary, the phone logs and any action logs between the time the insurrection began until after 4pm on the 6th.

Report: If Trump Wins in 2024, His Allies Want to Unmake the

Report: If Trump Wins in 2024, His Allies Want to Unmake the Entire Federal Government https://t.co/Xpq5SHzUEQ via [Twitter](https://twitter.com/SJenkins/status/1550570118387736578)