the junior senator from Missouri
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) July 22, 2022
Tag Archives: flow
RT @ColMorrisDavis: Donald Trump said @LeaderMcConnell is a
Donald Trump said @LeaderMcConnell is a “sleaze bag.” At long last, there is something Trump and I can agree on.
— Moe Davis (U.S. Air Force, Retired) (@ColMoeDavis) July 22, 2022
RT @sewellchan: Perhaps the most damning/horrifying revelati
Perhaps the most damning/horrifying revelation: Trump didn’t make his Rose Garden appearance (at 4:03pm) until AFTER it was clear that the insurrection wouldn’t succeed—the military had been mobilized and the lawmakers had made it to safety.
— Sewell Chan (@sewellchan) July 22, 2022
RT @Laurie_Garrett: Somebody @HouseGOP meant to label the #J
Somebody @HouseGOP meant to label the #January6thHearings "hearsay" — but bad spelling + a typo led to truth-telling about #Trump actions during the #January6thInsurrection
— Laurie Garrett (@Laurie_Garrett) July 22, 2022
RT @CBSNews: CVS Health is asking pharmacists in some states
CVS Health is asking pharmacists in some states to verify that some the prescriptions they provide will not be used to end a pregnancy.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) July 22, 2022
RT @AshaRangappa_: This woman got an Einstein visa https://t
RT @Limericking: Josh Hawley went out to incite The mob in D
The mob in DC with delight.
He stood as their cheerer
And when they came nearer
He galloped away in a fright
Josh Hawley went out to incite
The mob in DC with delight.
He stood as their cheerer
And when they came nearer
He galloped away in a fright— Limericking (@Limericking) July 22, 2022
VA’s $16 billion medical records overhaul could triple in co
VA’s $16 billion medical records overhaul could triple in cost
— Steve Jenkins (@SJenkins) July 22, 2022
Report: NRV passenger rail return should include Virginia Te
Report: NRV passenger rail return should include Virginia Tech stop
— Steve Jenkins (@SJenkins) July 22, 2022
Once-Largest Restaurant Chains In America That Went Out of B
No one’s too big to fail! br> via [Twitter](
Once-Largest Restaurant Chains In America That Went Out of Business
No one's too big to fail!
— Steve Jenkins (@SJenkins) July 22, 2022
How stepping away from football is bringing Bronco Mendenhal
How stepping away from football is bringing Bronco Mendenhall closer to the game
— Steve Jenkins (@SJenkins) July 22, 2022
RT @RBReich: What Republicans want to preserve isn’t freedom
What Republicans want to preserve isn’t freedom, it’s power. The power to impose their extremist ideology on everyone else, no matter who suffers.
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) July 21, 2022
RT @CAPAction: The Republican Party is so extreme that 96% o
The Republican Party is so extreme that 96% of them voted "NO" on guaranteeing contraception access—and that's just one of the MANY rights they refused to protect this week.
— CAP Action (@CAPAction) July 21, 2022
RT @yashar: Melania Trump blames her former chief of staff @
Here’s the text that Grisham sent to her that day.
Melania Trump blames her former chief of staff @OMGrisham for not keeping her up to date.
Here’s the text that Grisham sent to her that day.
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) July 21, 2022
Virginia’s evolving roster-building strategy may have create
Virginia’s evolving roster-building strategy may have created another ACC contender
— Steve Jenkins (@SJenkins) July 21, 2022