Sig Sauer about to unleash pure terror upon American streets Please @Potus find a way to block the @sigsauerinc Living Hell Killing Machine form our street. #Police overmatched, this CO. Has contracts w @USArmy these guns should be banned
— Russel L. Honore' (@ltgrusselhonore) July 21, 2022
Tag Archives: flow
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🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩— Steve Jenkins (@SJenkins) July 20, 2022
Virginia GOP congressmen vote against resolution on Finland,
Virginia GOP congressmen vote against resolution on Finland, Sweden and NATO
— Steve Jenkins (@SJenkins) July 20, 2022
Morgan Griffith voted against expanding health care, benefit
Morgan Griffith voted against expanding health care, benefits for veterans exposed to burn pits
— Steve Jenkins (@SJenkins) July 20, 2022
These 157 House Republicans, including Morgan Griffith and B
These 157 House Republicans, including Morgan Griffith and Ben Cline, Voted Against Protections For Same-Sex and Interracial Marriage
— Steve Jenkins (@SJenkins) July 20, 2022
RT @AdamKinzinger: The fact that the supply chain bill is fa
The fact that the supply chain bill is falling victim to partisan politics should outrage every American. Mitch McConnell would rather deny the Democrats a win than take on China. This is absolutely sick.
— Adam Kinzinger (Slava Ukraini) 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇱 (@AdamKinzinger) July 18, 2022
RT @nowthisnews: (warning: distressing) ‘They told her to r
‘They told her to return to the hospital only if her bleeding was so excessive, it filled a diaper more than once an hour’ — Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre shared reports of a TX woman experiencing a miscarriage who was sent home from the hospital
(warning: distressing)
'They told her to return to the hospital only if her bleeding was so excessive, it filled a diaper more than once an hour' — Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre shared reports of a TX woman experiencing a miscarriage who was sent home from the hospital
— NowThis Impact (@nowthisimpact) July 18, 2022
RT @ZerlinaShow: “Republicans consider it collateral damage,
“They claim to be Christians. The Republicans always tout how every life is precious before God. But this just flies in the face of that.”
RT @larry_levitt: Most of the states that have banned aborti
Most of the states that have banned abortion have not taken up the federal option to extend Medicaid coverage for women for 12 months after birth.
— Larry Levitt (@larry_levitt) July 18, 2022
RT @AccountableGOP: Herschel Walker falsely claims that he i
It gets worse. He proceeds to tell an unhinged story about angrily grabbing a gun with the intent to kill a man.
Herschel Walker falsely claims that he is an FBI agent.
It gets worse. He proceeds to tell an unhinged story about angrily grabbing a gun with the intent to kill a man.
— Republican Voters Against Trump (@AccountableGOP) July 18, 2022
Sen. Joe Manchin and His Wife Directed Millions to the Wildl
Sen. Joe Manchin and His Wife Directed Millions to the Wildlife Area Surrounding Vacation Condo
— Steve Jenkins (@SJenkins) July 18, 2022
RT @ACLU: BREAKING: The Department of Homeland Security is q
BREAKING: The Department of Homeland Security is quietly buying and using huge volumes of our cell phone location data to track us without a warrant — and we just dropped DHS records showing how they’ve been trying to dodge our right to privacy.
— ACLU (@ACLU) July 18, 2022
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Wordle 394 5/6
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩— Steve Jenkins (@SJenkins) July 18, 2022
RT @feltongeorge: @whatifisaidit The same stooges who plan t
The same stooges who plan to vote again for Trump never notice how the GOP will screw them. Ever.
— George Felton (@feltongeorge) July 17, 2022
RT @RBReich: Billionaires and corporations continue to under
How different is their behavior from the wealthy European industrialists who quietly backed the fascists in the 1920s and 1930s?
Billionaires and corporations continue to underwrite Trump's authoritarianism with campaign donations.
How different is their behavior from the wealthy European industrialists who quietly backed the fascists in the 1920s and 1930s?
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) July 17, 2022