I walked out of the house to meet my son at the bus stop this afternoon, and I noticed a car parked in the grass in front of my house. There were 2 people in the car, and they were still sitting in the car when I got back from the bus stop. I sent my son inside and approached the car, which was a silver Dodge with Virginia license plate KDC-2836.
Before I could tap on the driver’s window, a thin, late 20’s, white female with shoulder length black hair jumped out of the vehicle. She said that she had an interview with someone across the street. A black male who was also in his late 20’s with a short haircut exited the passenger’s side of the car and also said they had an interview across the street.
The female walked up the neighbor’s driveway while the male lingered at the neighbor’s mailbox. I went inside to check on my son, and when I looked out of the front window, both the male and female were sitting in the car again. I went outside again, and I took my German Shepherd with me this time. The dog went outside, sat down, and stared at the car, but they didn’t move.
My wife came out several minutes later, because she had to go to the grocery store. Right after my wife left in her car, the couple left in the Dodge, too. I then walked across the street, and told my neighbor what the couple had said. He said that no one had an interview with him.
What was the deal?
When I mentioned this to my daughter, she said that they sounded like the same couple who stopped and asked her for directions while the rest of us were at dinner Monday night, the 13th.