Tag Archives: Twitter

RT @InequalityMedia: The federal government must stop puttin

RT [@InequalityMedia](https://twitter.com/InequalityMedia/status/1612462767495155713) The federal government must stop putting the responsibility for fighting inflation on working people.

Attack corporate concentration instead. https://t.co/eswXlsSNUv

RT @maartenvda: A Dutch supermarket chain introduced slow ch

RT [@maartenvda](https://twitter.com/maartenvda/status/1612065166132400129) A Dutch supermarket chain introduced slow checkouts for people who enjoy chatting, helping many people, especially the elderly, deal with loneliness.
The move has proven so successful that they installed the slow checkouts in 200 stores. https://t.co/MQUYuyPuFc

RT @briantylercohen: Republicans market themselves as job cr

RT [@briantylercohen](https://twitter.com/briantylercohen/status/1611489166176686081) Republicans market themselves as job creators. Democrats actually create them. https://t.co/x7LtCHirmY

My local CBS station is showing the Pittsburgh game instead

My local CBS station is showing the Pittsburgh game instead of Baltimore’s game, and I can’t watch the Baltimore game on Sunday Ticket because it’s blacked out. https://t.co/HX5qZCUJLX via [Twitter](https://twitter.com/SJenkins/status/1612156639754215424)

@WDBJ7 Can you let the “powers that be” know that you’re sho

@WDBJ7 Can you let the “powers that be” know that you’re showing the Pittsburgh game instead of the Baltimore game? The Baltimore game is blacked out on Sunday ticket because they think you’re showing the Baltimore game. https://t.co/0uC7mEvVk5 via [Twitter](https://twitter.com/SJenkins/status/1612157978588725254)

RT @newrepublic: What critics of TikTok claim is a matter of

RT [@newrepublic](https://twitter.com/newrepublic/status/1611710114993504257) What critics of TikTok claim is a matter of national security looks, upon closer inspection, to be a familiar concern about privacy that could just as easily be levied—and should be levied—against many other U.S.-based tech companies, @DCeiver writes. https://t.co/h1vCp3GSpU

RT @jamiegangel: On the second anniversary of January 6, thi

RT [@jamiegangel](https://twitter.com/jamiegangel/status/1611598169300770818) On the second anniversary of January 6, this moment on the House floor when @mattgaetz did not vote for @GOPLeader on the 14th ballot. https://t.co/HbIkPFePBM

RT @JustinWolfers: Hang on, I’ve just calculated the unemplo

RT [@JustinWolfers](https://twitter.com/JustinWolfers/status/1611356895716990979) Hang on, I’ve just calculated the unemployment rate to extra decimal places, and December’s rate of 3.468% is a new 50 YEAR LOW, the lowest rate since 1969.

RT @ForeignPolicy: The number of Cubans detained at the sout

RT [@ForeignPolicy](https://twitter.com/ForeignPolicy/status/1610962674166145024) The number of Cubans detained at the southern U.S. border is now second only to the number of Mexicans.

RT @VeryBadLlama: grocery store chains: we set record profit

RT [@VeryBadLlama](https://twitter.com/VeryBadLlama/status/1610420570671177729) grocery store chains: we set record profits this year

retail chains: we’ve never made so much money

energy companies: we just posted our best quarter on record

news article: who is to blame for inflation? you peasants wanting wages, probably

RT @ThatEricAlper: Sonic Youth co-founder Kim Gordon was onc

RT [@ThatEricAlper](https://twitter.com/ThatEricAlper/status/1610863730622976001) Sonic Youth co-founder Kim Gordon was once put in ‘Disney jail’ for smoking weed at Disneyland as a teen in the 1970s. https://t.co/wuy3kF2GDO