The mailbox contained:
* October 2008 issue of [TechNet]( “TechNet”) (Less Is More – Virtualization means you need far fewer physical servers to run your business. The result? A smaller carbon footprint, a lower electric bill, and more room in that big data center for a foosball table.) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* October 2008 issue of [Boys’ Life]( “Boys’ Life”) (A Newbie’s Guide To 50 Miles)
* October 2008 issue of [Scouting]( “Scouting Magazine”) (Go Deep – Phoenix Troop 109 Finds Adventure Above and Below Ground)
* A [Gander Mountain]( “Gander Mountain”) Sale Flyer
* An offer from [Netflix]( “Netflix”)
* A plea from [Berea College]( “Berea College”)
* A plea from the [Natural Resources Defense Council]( “Natural Resources Defense Council”)
* A subscription offer from [The American Poetry Review]( “The American Poetry Review”)