The mailbox contained:
* October 2008 issue of [Wired]( “Wired”) (The 2008 Smart List) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* October 2008 issue of [domino]( “domino”) (25 inspiring before & afters)
* A [Trails End]( “Trails End”) Popcorn Flyer
* A notice from [St. John’s]( “St. John’s Roanoke”) about their Dodson Dinner & Lecture
* A plea from [Veterans of Foreign Wars]( “Veterans of Foreign Wars”)
* A plea from the [Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee]( “Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee”)
* An advertisement from [Averett University]( “Averett”)
* 2 subscription offers from [The Progressive]( “The Progressive”)