The mailbox contained:
* December 2008 issue of [Cuisine at home]( “Cuisine at home”) (Sweet & Simple!) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* November 10, 2008 issue of [Newsweek]( “Newsweek”) (The Future of Affluence – The recession will end, but our real problems are just beginning.) [Read]( “Read the Cover Story”)
* November 3, 2008 issue of [Information Week]( “Information Week”) (A Cloud & a Prayer – Microsoft’s sketchy, wishful plan for the next era of computing.) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* November 3, 2008 issue of [eWeek]( “eWeek”) (Getting the message – Updated offerings from Gordano and IBM Lotus prove compelling alternatives to Microsoft Exchange Server) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* November 2008 [Dell Small Business]( “Dell Small Business”) Catalog
* [Sam’s Club]( “Sam’s Club”) Gifts 2008 Catalog
* A plea from the ARRL for their [Spectrum Defense Fund]( “Spectrum Defense Fund”)