Category Archives: Roanoke Area

Paul Sausser Has a Criminal Past

Paul Sausser, who now runs Sausser Farms, served jail time and paid restitution for a 2002 criminal conviction for writing bad checks in Pennsylvania.

After serving 3 months in jail, a judge sentenced him to 3 years probation, and the prosecution agreed to drop other charges that included “theft of services and theft by deception.”

He violated probation in 2006 when he failed to pay restitution, fines and court costs of $16,967, and he was sentenced to another 3 years probation.

As usual, he had an excuse – it was due to a messy divorce.

His probation ended in November 2009, and he bought the farm in Phenix, VA in December 2009.

His occupation in Pennsylvania was listed as a home builder, but he advertises himself as a 3rd generation farmer here.

How does that work? My grandfather was a farmer. If I decide to become a farmer, does that make me a 3rd generation farmer?

The Roanoke Times has the story.

Sausser Farms Says We Won’t Get Any Corn This Year

When signing up for the Sausser Farms Co-op, I was told that I’d get 12 ears of corn each week during corn season. Homestead Creamery stated that their vegetables would include 12 ears with each share box, too.

There was a notice on the [Sausser Farms website]( “Sausser Farms”) stating that we won’t get any corn this year because the corn crop died due to the heat and the lack of rain.

The corn is toast! The high heat and lack of rain have put an end to the corn. We had to plow under 15 acres of corn. While we use drip irrigation on just about all of our other produce, we don’t with the corn. We are extremly dissapointed about losing all that corn.

It has been hot and dry, but some local farmers have had corn. Magnolia Market in Buena Vista [announced on July 2nd](!/group.php?gid=110242532321363&v=wall&story_fbid=139765782702371&ref=mf “Magnolia Market”) that a local had dropped off some corn. [This week](, local farmers at the Salem Farmers Market have sweet corn available. Several local farmers had sweet corn available at the Roanoke Farmers market on [July 1st](!/video/video.php?v=898989959813&ref=mf). The Charlottesville city market has had corn since at least [June 24th]( An [article in the Madison County Eagle]( on July 15th said that “the corn still looks beautiful and soy beans do too.”

It sounds like Sausser Farms’ corn was planted late. If they were planning to provide us with corn each week of the corn season, shouldn’t they have staggered their plantings?

According to an [article at N.C. State](, the period from July 1st to July 20th is most likely to be dry and hot in Virginia and North Carolina, and corn should be planted so that silking occurs at least a week after this period.

Long-term weather records show that the period from 1 July to 20 July is the most likely to experience lower rainfall amounts, higher average temperatures, and high humidity. Therefore, late-planted corn should be planted so that silking occurs at least a week after the end of this period. When using an early maturing hybrid, growers should plant from 10 June until 25 June to avoid this period and still have a reasonable harvest date. After 25 June, the reduced number of growing degree days will result in a severe delay in harvest with an increasing chance of freeze damage before the crop matures.

This Week’s Vegetables from Homestead Creamery – 2010 July 13

Option A BoxOption B Box

We received 2 vegetable boxes from Homestead Creamery, but they only charged us for one, because the quality and selection of vegetables they received from Sausser Farms weren’t all that great.

We signed up to buy one 5lb Option A box and one 5lb Option B box each week.

Option A is supposed to be a combination of potatoes, tomatoes, onions, squash, and herbs.

Option B is supposed to be a combination of cucumbers, egg plant, greens, string/pole beans, broccoli, and zucchini.

The Boston Butt Became Carnitas

I used the [Boston Butt]( “Boston Butt Purchase”) I bought Saturday to make [carnitas]( “Carnitas Recipe”), and I served it with a [homemade salsa]( “Salsa Recipe”).



Carnitas with Salsa

Carnitas with Salsa

No Sausser Farms Vegetables Today, But I did buy some pork products from Sandy River Pork

I went to the Roanoke Farmer’s Market this morning hoping that I could pick up my vegetable share today from Sausser Farms. The Sausser Farms representative was there, but there was also a fairly long line that never seemed to move.

We were asked to fill out a survey indicating which box of vegetables we wanted by 4pm the day before we planned to pickup our vegetables and to bring it with us. I did so, but the the vegetables weren’t boxed. The Sausser Farms representative was weighing each customer’s choices, which really slowed the whole process down.

I don’t understand why we’re asked to complete a survey if they’re not planning to pack the boxes. It’s not like they aren’t able to pack the boxes, because they already provide packed boxes of vegetables to Homestead Creamery. The pre-packaged boxes would really speed up the line.

My wife wanted to eat lunch before she went to work today, so I couldn’t wait in line any longer, but the day wasn’t a total loss. I bought some sausage, bacon, and a boston butt from [Sandy River Pork]( “Sandy River Pork Website”)

Sandy River Hot Pork Sausage

Sandy River Hot Pork Sausage

Sandy River Pork's Bacon

Sandy River Pork's Bacon

Sandy River Pork Boston Butt

Sandy River Pork Boston Butt

This Week’s Vegetables from Homestead Creamery – 06 July 2010

Option A BoxOption B Box

We received 2 vegetable boxes from Homestead Creamery, but they only charged us for one, because the quality and selection of vegetables they received from Sausser Farms weren’t all that great.

We signed up to buy one 5lb Option A box and one 5lb Option B box each week.

Option A is supposed to be a combination of potatoes, tomatoes, onions, squash, and herbs.

Option B is supposed to be a combination of cucumbers, egg plant, greens, string/pole beans, broccoli, and zucchini.

Sausser Farms Announces Saturday Morning That Roanoke Stand is Closed Saturday

I received an e-mail from Sausser Farms at 8:36 this morning stating that “Just a reminder to those in the Roanoke area that the stand will be closed today, July 3rd.”

Reminder? A reminder would imply that we were informed previously that the stand would be closed today. We weren’t.

The survey for this week clearly asked when those of us in Roanoke wanted to pickup our vegetables on Friday or Saturday. I chose Saturday, and I guess I’m out of luck.

I replied to the e-mail with the following, “You’re announcing on Saturday morning that the stand is closed today. How much worse can your customer service get?

The response I received was:


They have been letting everyone know at the stand and it has been posted on the Website. Out of courtesy, I simply sent out a reminder…that has to be better than not reminding people.


And my response to that was, “No, it wasn’t posted on the website until this morning. The survey that we were asked to fill out for the week clearly asked if we planned to pickup Friday or Saturday.

When did they tell the people at the stand – yesterday? If they picked up yesterday, they are not picking up again today, are they?

The customer service just keeps getting worse.

Sausser Roanoke Survey for weekend of 7/2 – 7/3:

Sausser Farms Roanoke Survey for Weekend of 7/2-7/3

Sausser Farms Roanoke Survey for Weekend of 7/2-7/3

the email:

 Just a reminder to those in the Roanoke area that the stand will be closed today, July 3rd.

Thank you!

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Sausser Farms
9175 Patrick Henry Hwy
Phenix, Virginia 23959

Sausser Farms Ruckersville Vegetable Stand Problems

Members of the Sausser Farms coop in Ruckersville found the building abandoned when they came to pick up their shares on June 16th.

Sausser Farms vacated the building without paying rent and without giving the landlord any idea it was leaving.

When the Greene County Record asked Sausser why he had vacated the Ruckersville without paying his debt, he said, “I never got a bill.” Asked about breaking his lease, he said, “I never signed a lease.”

The landlord said that both Sausser and his wife both signed and initialed the 13-page lease.

[Read]( “Read the Article”) (Greene County Record)

Sausser Farms Now Requires us to Pay for the Cardboard Boxes

In addition to getting vegetables delivered from Homestead Creamery, I paid $35 for a share in Sausser Farms CSACo-op, which was supposed to result in 5lbs of vegetables a week for 24 weeks, and they were supposed to have a presence at the Salem Farmers Market.

They haven’t opened at the Salem Farmers Market. Their website says they plan to open in Salem in July, but I’m not holding my breath.

That means the Roanoke Farmers Market is the closest location. The first time I went there, the Sausser Farms Rep wasn’t there, so I left, ate breakfast, came back 2 hours later, and their stall was still empty. The second time I went, the rep was there; however, there was a very long line of people with Sausser Farms cards in their hands, and the only thing the rep had left was cabbage at 10:45 in the morning.

Since then Sausser Farms has reduced its Lynchburg and Roanoke hours and is now requiring customers who pick up their vegetables in Lynchburg and Roanoke to select a prepackaged box.

This week, the [choices]( “Sausser Farms Choices for weekend of 7/2-7/3”) are:

  • Option A = Tomatoes, Zucchini, Cucumbers/Pickle Cucumbers
  • Option B = Tomatoes, Yellow Squash, Cucumbers/Pickle Cucumbers
  • Option C = Okra, Zucchini and/or Yellow Squash, Cucumbers/Pickle Cucumbers

*Okra and Tomatoes are still in limited supply. We will do our best to fill all requests.

I just received an [e-mail]( “e-mail from Sausser Farms”) from Sausser Farms that those of us who pick up our vegetables in Roanoke are now required to pay $1 per cardboard box that the vegetables come in, but we’ll get an extra pound of vegetables. So, this is really a price increase of 53%.

I don’t need another pound of squash, zucchini, or pickling cucumbers. Can I bring my own bag, dump 5lbs of vegetables in my bag, leave the box, and skip the $1 fee?

The email has been pasted below in case the link stops working.

Please read this if you need help with the survey.

I've received some e-mails that some people are having some challenges with the survey. I don't know that would cause these issues, but I can tell you that the majority of people are able to access the survey and fill it out.

Below are some suggestions that might be helpful:

You completed the survey, but hit the Done button prior to printing. Go back in and fill out the survey again and hit Print under the File menu of your browser and then hit done.

For some reason the link is not working for you. Try the following:

Close your browser and then reopen it and try again.
Delete your Temporary Internet Files and clear your History
Try Firefox instead of Explorer or vice-versa
Type it directly into your browswer: http://www. surveymonkey. com/s/HLGJPSP (Please notice that I put a space after each period, so be sure to remove the spaces.) Or go to and then add /s/HLGJPSP to the Web address.
Survey Monkey is asking for a user name and password. I have not clue why it would do that. I've tried it and it doesn't ask me. Possible solutions:

Delete your Temporary Internet Files and clear your History
Delete your Temporary Internet Files and clear your History
Try Firefox instead of Explorer or vice-versa
Type it directly into your browswer: http://www. surveymonkey. com/s/HLGJPSP (Please notice that I put a space after each period, so be sure to remove the spaces.)
FYI...I was told there might be a $1.00 box deposit but along with that you will be getting 6 pounds of produce instead of 5. The fee is regardless of whether or not you give the box back at the time of pick up or not. I am sorry, I meant to mention that in the first e-mail, but forgot.

I know the Pick-Your-Share option is not ideal for many of you and filling out the survey is a pain. I wish we didn't have to do it either, but something needs to be tried so that things can improve. TRUST ME, I FEEL YOUR PAIN AND THEN SOME!

And please remember I simply do not have the ability to respond to every individual e-mail. It is not that I don't want, it is that I don't have the time.

Doing the best I can to help the Saussers and the members out,


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Sausser Farms
9175 Patrick Henry Hwy
Phenix, Virginia 23959

This week’s vegetables from Homestead Creamery – 2010 June 29

Share Box 1Share Box 2

This week we received 2 vegetable boxes from Homestead Creamery. It’s the first week we’ve received 2, and it’s the first week that I’ve received any tomatoes, herbs, egg plant, and non-pickling cucumbers.

The only other items we’ve received so far this season are cabbage, carrots, one mess of wax beans, one beet, and lots of pickling cucumbers, squash, and zucchini. Some weeks the squash and zucchini look like they should have been picked a week or two earlier.

They purchase their vegetables from Sausser Farms, and so far, the vegetables haven’t met my or Homestead Creamery’s expectations.

We signed up to buy one 5lb Option A box and one 5lb Option B box each week.

Option A is supposed to be a combination of potatoes, tomatoes, onions, squash, and herbs.

Option B is supposed to be a combination of cucumbers, egg plant, greens, string/pole beans, broccoli, and zucchini.

Non-stop flights from Roanoke to New York in jeopardy

Delta and U.S. Airways want to swap some spaces at airports in New York City and Washington D.C.  If it’s approved, it would mean that Roanoke would lose its three daily non-stop flights to New York City.

It would impact not only people going on vacation,  but the ability of our region to attract businesses.

This move comes after the Greenbrier Resort announced earlier this week that Delta will start new routes to service the resort this summer.  The resort will have non-stop flights to New York City starting June 10.

[Read]( “Read the Article”) (WSLS)