The mailbox contained:
* December 2008 issue of [Outside]( “Outside”) (The Outside 100 – The Best Ever) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* November 2008 issue of [The Hightower Lowdown]( “The Hightower Lowdown”) (Our economy didn’t melt down, it was taken down by ideological extremists – The five most wanted men from Wall Street and Washington) [Read]( “Read the Cover Story”)
* Winter 2008-2009 [World Wildlife Fund]( “World Wildlife Fund”) Gift Catalog
* A notice from [T. Rowe Price]( “T. Rowe Price”) about changes to their website
* A subscription offer from [The Christian Century]( “The Christian Century”)
* A subscription offer from [AGNI]( “AGNI”)
* A plea from the [Environmental Defense Fund]( “Environmental Defense Fund”)