The mailbox contained:
* January/February 2009 issue of [Robot]( “Robot”) (Hollywood Robots) [T.O.C.]( “Table of Contents”)
* November/December 2008 issue of [Old Dominion Sierran]( “Old Dominion Sierran”) (Wise Energy Coalition tours state to change power dynamics) [Read]( “Read the newsletter (pdf)”)
* November 2008 issue of [Blue Ridge Mountains Council’s]( “Blue Ridge Mountains Council”) (2008 Council Recognition Banquet to Recognize Eagle Scouts and Silver Beavers) [Read]( “Read the newsletter (pdf)”)
* [Kroger’s]( “Kroger”) 2008 “Holidays from the Heart” (Celebrate Our 5 all-time favorite parties)
* An offer from the [Quality Paperback Book Club]( “Quality Paperback Book Club”)
* A plea from the [ACLU]( “ACLU”)